List of products by brand Bona Mel
Bona mel. Organic honey bottled by the apicultor.
Bona Mel is the third generation a this family dedicated to bee-keeping. This generation decided to follow the footsteps of its predecessors devoting their work to the production of organic honey and its by-products.
Bona Mel offers customers a wide range of organic honey. Bona Mel honey is produced, prepared, and packaged by the same bee-keeper. Bona Mel honey is manufactured by bees fed from certified organic farming and Natural Parks located in distinct areas of Spain.
Boa Mel maintains takes care of nature across all production processes. Bona Mel takes care of the biodiversity, respects the environment and preserves the earth natural resources.
Bona Mel has experienced beekeepers and experts taking care of the honey manufacturing processes. Processes that lead to the highest quality honeys and bee products. Bona Mel is a pioneer in the organic honey market for its exquisite taste and high quality.
Organic raw orange blossom honey Bona Mel
Organic Azahar raw honey. Buy organic raw orange blossom honey produced organically on the Mediterranean coast, in Valence. Soft flavored with orange blossom, Azahar. There is no smell as an orange field blossoming. This honey has citric aramas and the freshness of an orange.
Organic raw rosemary honey Bona Mel
Organic raw rosemary honey Bona Mel. Buy organic raw rosemary honey produced from mediterranean rosemary flowers in the Natural parks of Sierra Mariola y La Safor in Alicante.
Organic raw thyme honey Bona Mel
Organic raw thyme honey Bona Mel. Buy organic raw thyme honey produced from thyme flowers in the regions of Valencia and Castilla y León.
Organic raw wildflower honey Bona Mel
Organic raw wildflower honey Bona Mel. Buy organic raw wildflower honey produced from mediterranean wild flowers growing at high altitude in natural parks in the regions of Valencia.
Organic white honey pack Bona Mel
Pack composed of the five white honeys Bona Mel has. Orange blossom honey, lemon honey, acacia honey, rosemary honey and linden honey. Get a nice discount in this bundle. 5x450 g