Organic Pollen Bona Mel. Organic polen produced by Bona Mel own beehives from various Mediterranean wildflower in the Natural Parks of “Sierra Mariola”, “ La Safor” y “La Cebollera”. Comes in 215 and 440 g jars.
Organic pollen Bona Mel. Organic polen produced by Bona Mel own beehives from various Mediterranean wildflower in the Natural Parks of “Sierra Mariola”, “ La Safor” in Alicante at 1000m high and “La Cebollera” located in Soria higher than 1500m. The bees recollect the pollen and mix it with nectar. This way the bees form rounded little balls of pollen. Bona Mel bee pollen makes a great contribution of nutrients as proteins, vitamins. 215 and 440 g jars
Organic Pollen Bona Mel has a yellowish color with some grains dark and violet. It has a persistant floral aroma. Organic pollen taste us sweet with some acid touches.
Organic pollen Bona Mel is invigorating and stimulating. Organic pollen hsa many properties. Bee pollen promotes growth, prevents anemia by producing an increase in red blood cells. Helps with the digestive system as it does effective internal scarring, ulcers. Helps with stress and the recovery of states of weakness. Organic pollen also helps in the normalization of liver and intestinal functions. Organic pollen Bona Mel pollen invigorates the eyesight. Helps during pregnancy and lactation, with allergies and asthma, with rheumatism. It isgood for diabetics and the blood pressure problems. In general, organic pollen makes you have a greater resistance to diseases.