Headline: ORION ONLINE SERVICES S.L. (Hereinafter, or the provider)
Registered office: C / Padre Soler 25, 28806, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
CIF: B-87565057
Public Registry: Mercantile Registry of Madrid in Volume 34.766, folio 148, Page M-625321 inscription 1st.
Phone: +34 619 585 343
These conditions of use (hereinafter, the "Terms of Use", or the "Conditions") regulate the rights and obligations of and the users in relation to the access, navigation and use of this Website , notwithstanding that the provider reserves the right to modify, without prior notice, the content thereof. In any case, the access by the user to the Website once said modification takes place implies the acceptance of the Conditions and the modifications introduced by the user.
However, access to certain contents and the use of certain services may be subject to certain specific conditions, which will be clearly shown in any case, and must be accepted expressly and previously by the users. These particular conditions may replace, complete or, where appropriate, modify these Conditions of use.
In this sense, and without prejudice to the provisions of these Terms of Use, the contracting of any product and / or payment service offered by the provider will be regulated by the general and / or specific conditions of each specific service provided. to the effect.
For the purposes of interpreting these Terms of Use, we understand that a person becomes a user when they accept the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, as well as the rest of the legal texts and policies of use that are accessible from the Website, just browsing by the user to understand that he accepts them in a conscious and informed.
Access to most of the contents of the Website is completely free and does not require prior registration, without prejudice to the fact that there may be sections or particular services that require prior registration, and where applicable, may involve the payment of economic amounts. In the latter case, the user will be informed in advance, and must accept the corresponding contracting conditions of said service.
It is prohibited to access the Website by minors. However, in case of access to the Website and registration by a minor, it will be presumed that such access has been made with prior and express authorization from their parents, guardians or legal representatives, without prejudice to the fact that the provider reserves the right to perform as many verifications and verifications as it deems appropriate.
Under no circumstances will the provider be responsible for the accuracy of the registration data provided by users, so each of these will be solely responsible for the information provided to is appropriate, accurate and accurate or , otherwise, of the possible consequences that could be derived from the lack of data quality.
Requirements to identify yourself as a user
In order to carry out the purchase of products and / or services made available to users, it is necessary that they be identified in advance, providing through the forms provided for this purpose, at least, the identification data are required as mandatory to be able to send the products you have purchased.
It is an essential requirement to be able to identify yourself as a user to be over eighteen (18) years old and to provide through the Website all the required information as required.
Log out as a user
The user can, at any time, request their removal from the Website, by sending an email or through our contact form specifying their personal data and the reason why they contact us, in this case the cancellation as user.
The provider is the owner or, where appropriate, has the corresponding licenses on the exploitation rights of intellectual and industrial property on the design and programming of the Website, as well as of all the contents offered therein, including, Enunciative and non-limiting, the platform itself, texts, photographs or illustrations, logos, brands, graphics, designs, interfaces, or any other information or content available through it.
In no case will it be understood that access, navigation and use of the Website by the user or the use, acquisition and / or contracting of products or services offered through it implies resignation, transmission, license or total or partial cession of said rights by the provider in favor of the user. The user has a right to use the contents and / or services of the Website within a strictly domestic scope, for access and navigation through the Website, and solely for the purpose of enjoying the services provided by the website. in accordance with these Terms of Use.
References to trademarks or registered trade names, or other distinctive signs, whether owned by the provider or by third parties, implicitly prohibit their use without express consent. and in writing from the provider, or from its legitimate owners. At no time, unless expressly stated otherwise, the access, browsing or use of the Website and / or its contents confers the user any rights over the distinctive signs, contents or services included in it.
All intellectual and industrial property rights regarding the contents and / or services of the Website are reserved and, in particular, it is forbidden to modify, copy, reproduce, publicly communicate, transform or distribute, by any means and under any form, the entire or part of the contents included in the Website, for public or commercial purposes, if you do not have prior, express and written authorization from the provider or, as the case may be, from the owner of the corresponding rights.
< p> Likewise, it is forbidden to delete or manipulate the copyright indications or other credits that identify the holders of rights of the contents that the user finds on the Website, as well such as technical protection devices, fingerprints, or any protection mechanism or information incorporated into the contents offered on the Website.
In the event that the user sends information of any kind to the Provider, Through any of the channels enabled for this purpose, the user declares, guarantees and accepts that he / she has the right to do so freely, that said information does not infringe any right of intellectual, industrial, trade secret or any other rights of third parties, and that said information does not have confidential nature or cause any harm to third parties, assuming otherwise all possible liabilities.
If the user had knowledge of the existence of any illegal content, illegal, contrary to laws or that could suppose a violation of intellectual and / or industrial property rights, you must notify the Provider immediately through the e-mail address so that the Provider can proceed with the adoption of the appropriate measures.
Likewise, in the case that any user or a third party considers that any of the contents of the Website owned by violates your intellectual and / or industrial property rights, as well as any other rights, you must send a communication to with the following information:
Identification data and means of contact of the claimant or his legal representative.
Documentation that proves his status as the owner of the rights allegedly infringed.
Detailed account of the rights allegedly infringed by the provider, as well as their exact location within the Site Web.
Express declaration on the part of the claimant that the use of the contents has been made
Links to other pages Inas webs
In the event that the Website includes links to other web pages through buttons, links, banners or embedded content, the provider reports that these are directly managed by third parties, not having the provider or human or technical means to know in advance and / or control and / or approve all information, content, products or services provided by other platforms to which links can be established from the Website.
In Consequently, will not be responsible for any aspect related to the platform or web page to which a link could be established from the Website, specifically, by way of example and not limitation, on its operation, access, data, information , archives, quality and reliability of its products and services, its own links and / or any of its contents, in general.
In this sense, if users had effective knowledge that the activities is developed through these web pages of third parties are illegal, and / or contravene morality and / or public order, must immediately notify the Provider in order to proceed to disable the access link to them, action that it will be carried out in the shortest possible time from the moment in which the Provider becomes aware of this circumstance.
In any case, the establishment of any type of link from the Website to another web page is not it will imply that there is some type of relationship, collaboration or dependence between the provider and the person in charge of said web page.
Links to other platforms responsibility of
El Provider makes available to users links that allow access to channels and pages of the Website that the provider maintains on different platforms and social networks owned and / or managed by third parties (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTub e, among others), from which it carries out the publication of information, as well as the promotion of products and / or services.
In no case the Provider will share with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or any other social network that will incorporate in the future any type of private information of its users, limiting only the published information to own information of and its products and / or services. In this sense, all the information that the user wants to provide, or publish on these platforms outside the website of, will be under his own responsibility, not intervening the provider in this process.
Activation and use of these applications may entail the need for the user to identify and authenticate with their username and password, as well as expressly accept the legal conditions associated with it. By accessing these external networks, the user enters an environment outside the Website, and therefore, knows and accepts that he / she acts in this sense under his / her own responsibility.
For this reason, the user must exercise prudence in the evaluation and use of the information, content and services existing in the linked channels, and on the own or third parties' information that he / she wants to share in those channels.
All users may establish links in their respective web pages that direct to the Website, provided they meet the following conditions:
enlace may not reproduce the content of the Website or parts of it, unless it is done under the systems made available by It is not allowed to use "frames" or systems that allow creating a " browser ", or a" border environment "on the sections of the Web Site, which allow access to the content of it from other websites or, where appropriate, modify the appearance of the Website for the user.
It is not allowed to make false, inaccurate or incorrect statements or indications about the Website and / or , in particular, to declare or imply that the provider has authorized a specific link, or that he has supervised or assumed in any way the contents or services offered or made available on the web page in which said link is established.
The website where the link to the Website is established will not contain illegal information or content, contrary to morality and generally accepted good customs and public order, nor will it contain contents that are contrary to any rights of third parties, including rights of intellectual and industrial property and / or the right to honor, to personal or family privacy or to one's own image or any other right, or contrary to the regulations governing the protection of personal data.
The provider does not realize that it does not have the human or technical resources to know, control or approve all the information, contents, products or services. facilitated by other web pages that have established links to the Website. The provider does not assume any responsibility for any aspect related to the web page that establishes that link to the Website, specifically, but not limited to, its functioning, access, data, information, files, quality and reliability of its products and services, its own links and / or any of its contents, in general.
orghoney. com states that it is not allowed and, therefore, its consequences will be the sole responsibility of the user, access or use of the Website for illegal or unauthorized purposes, with or without economic purpose. In particular, and without the following list being absolute, it is prohibited:
Using the Web in a way that may cause damages, interruptions, inefficiencies or defects in its operation or in the computer systems of any third party or, where appropriate, Use the Website for the transmission, installation or publication of any virus, malicious code or other harmful programs or files. Use the Website to collect personal data of other users. Use the Website illegally, against good faith, morals and public order.
Register through the Website with a false identity, supplanting third parties or using a profile or making any other action that may confuse other users about the identity of the origin of a message.
Access without authorization to any section of the Website, to other systems or networks connected to the Website, to any server of the provider, or to the services offered through the Website, by means of hacking or falsification, extraction n of passwords or any other illegitimate means.
Breach, or attempt to break, the security or authentication measures of the Website or any network connected to it, or the security or protection measures inherent to the contents offered on the Site. Web.
Carry out any action that causes a disproportionate or unnecessary saturation in the infrastructure of the Website or in the systems or networks of the provider, as well as in the systems and networks connected to the Website. normal development of an event, contest, promotion or any other activity available through the Website or any of its functionalities, either by altering or trying to alter, illegally or in any other way, the access, participation or operation of those, or falsifying the result thereof and / or using fraudulent participation methods, by any procedure, and / or through any practice that attempts or in any way, these Terms of Use.
Failure to comply with any of the foregoing obligations by the user may entail the adoption by the Provider of the appropriate measures covered by Law and the exercise of their rights. or obligations, which may lead to the elimination or blocking of the account of the offending user, without any possibility of compensation for the damages caused.
The Provider can not guarantee the reliability, usefulness or veracity of absolutely all the information and / or services of the Website, nor of the usefulness or veracity of the documentation made available through it.
In As a consequence, the provider does not guarantee:
the continuity of the contents of the Website,
the absence of errors in said contents,
the invulnerability, from the point of view of security, of the Website and / or the imposib the illegality of violating the security measures adopted in it; d) the lack of usefulness or performance of the contents of the Website; and the damages caused to itself or to a third party, any person who infringes the conditions, rules and instructions that the provider establishes on the Website or through the violation of the security systems of the Website.
However, the provider declares that it has adopted all the necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of the art, to guarantee the functioning of the Website and minimize system errors and guarantee the highest level of security of the users, both from the technical point of view and the contents published on the Website.
The provider can not guarantee the legality, reliability and usefulness of the contents provided by third parties through the Website, guaranteeing it only with respect to the contents published by If the user was aware of the existence of any illegal content, illegal, contrary to the laws or that could involve a violation of rights of third parties, you must notify the provider immediately so that it can proceed with the adoption of appropriate measures. p>
In any case, the provider reserves the right to suspend, modify, restrict or interrupt, either temporarily or permanently, access, browsing, use, hosting and / or downloading of content and / or use of services of the Website, with or without prior notice, to users who contravene any of the provisions detailed in these Terms of Use, without the possibility of the user to demand compensation for this cause.
In If the user fails to comply with these Terms of Use, the Provider may suspend or cancel your user account automatically and without prior notice, and in no case such suspension or cancellation give to the user right to compensation.
For these purposes, the Provider informs that it may inform and collaborate in a timely manner with the competent police and judicial authorities if it detects any violation of the current legislation or if it suspects the commission of any crime.
In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data, all personal data provided during the use of the site web will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy that every user must expressly accept to be used and indetified in the system.
The parties expressly agree that this contract will be governed and interpreted, in all its terms and conditions, in accordance with the current Spanish legislation.
The parties expressly submit, to c Any questions or divergences that may arise due to the interpretation, fulfillment and execution of this contract, the jurisdiction and competence of the Courts and Tribunals corresponding to the address of the buyer or those of the place where the contractual obligation is fulfilled.
To submit claims in the use of our services, you can contact, committing ourselves to search at all times for a friendly solution to the conflict.
Last update: June 05, 2016
All rights reserved. Any copy, distribution and / or reproduction, total or partial, of the contents and / or website of will require the prior and written authorization of