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Organic chesnut pollen Toca
Organic chesnut pollen recollected by bees living in wild areas in ancares y Courel (Asturias) in teh north of Spain sharing space with the brown bear.
Pollen Mellarius
Pollen Mellarius comes from the Natural Park Hoces del Cabriel. This pollen honey has been produced in beehives feeding from different flowers. The bees recollect the pollen and mixed with nectar bees form rounded bits of pollen. A great contribution of nutrients as proteins, vitamins and amino acids.
Organic Pollen Bona Mel
Organic Pollen Bona Mel. Organic polen produced by Bona Mel own beehives from various Mediterranean wildflower in the Natural Parks of “Sierra Mariola”, “ La Safor” y “La Cebollera”. Comes in 215 and 440 g jars.
Organic Pollen Muria
Organic Pollen Muria. Organic polen produced by Muria from behives located all over Spain. Comes in 225 g jars.